The company that created HRConnect365 has rebranded our product to align with our company name – now both Velaku.
That’s right – our company name has always been Velaku – and now our preeminent product shares the same name.
Today, you and your employees are jumping through hoops and leaping over hurdles to engage with each other. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
It’s time for a new relationship, one that works because it’s based on how people actually work.
Velaku was created by industry veterans Michael Rudnick and Susan Sanders to engage employees with content in ways that don’t interrupt their work but integrate into it.
Unlike existing solutions — like portals — that force people into rabbit holes, Velaku deploys directly in Microsoft Office 365 and SharePoint – providing greater engagement and productivity that revolutionizes the employee experience by seamlessly fitting into it.
Velaku is not a portal.
And that’s a good thing — because portals are so last week.
Velaku delivers on the promises of a portal — and then goes well beyond— by engaging employees with content in ways that enhance, replace, or even eliminate the portal itself!
No more hoops. No more hurdles. No more friction that make engaging with employees feel like a day at the DMV.
Our customers are frustrated by the status quo of digital employee experiences that fail to recognize that we are all people before we are employees.
Yet unlike other HR and communication professionals who continually — often begrudgingly — continue cruising along in ways that don’t seem to move their employees forward, our customers are eager to head in a new direction: One that recognizes that the best employee experience is a human experience delivered by a seamless, friction-free solution.